Eggshells in Compost Tea

Ground Eggshells in Compost Tea: A Calcium-Rich Boost for Your Garden

In the pursuit of sustainable gardening practices, using ground powdered eggshells in compost tea is an excellent way to enrich soil and plant health. Eggshells are a natural source of calcium and other minerals, making them a valuable addition to any garden’s regimen. Here’s how incorporating eggshells into your compost tea can benefit your garden’s ecosystem.

What are Powdered Eggshells?

Eggshells are primarily made up of calcium carbonate, a form of calcium that plants can absorb and use. Grounding the eggshells into a fine powder increases their surface area, making it easier for the calcium to dissolve and integrate into your compost tea.

Calcium for Plant Health and Soil Structure

Calcium plays a crucial role in plant health by contributing to cell wall development and growth. It’s particularly important for preventing blossom end rot in tomatoes and other fruiting vegetables. Adding powdered eggshells to compost tea provides a steady supply of this essential nutrient, promoting healthier plant growth and stronger cellular structure.

Reduces Soil Acidity

Eggshells can help balance soil pH levels, especially in more acidic soils. The calcium carbonate in eggshells acts as a natural liming agent, reducing acidity and creating a more favorable environment for plants that prefer neutral to slightly alkaline soil.

Promotes Root Development

The calcium from eggshells is vital for the development of strong roots. Providing a calcium boost through compost tea helps ensure that plants develop a robust root system, which is essential for water and nutrient uptake and overall plant stability.

Waste Reduction and Sustainability

Using eggshells in your garden is a fantastic way to recycle kitchen waste, reducing landfill contributions and promoting a more sustainable gardening practice. It’s an eco-friendly solution that benefits your plants while minimizing waste.

How to Use Powdered Eggshells in Compost Tea

To incorporate eggshells into your compost tea, simply rinse and dry your used eggshells, then grind them into a fine powder using a coffee grinder or mortar and pestle. Add this powder to your compost mixture before brewing the tea. The nutrients from the eggshells will leach into the water during the brewing process, enriching the tea with calcium and other beneficial minerals.


Adding ground powdered eggshells to your compost tea is a simple, effective way to enhance your garden’s productivity and health. By providing a natural source of calcium, you’ll not only boost plant growth and improve soil quality but also embrace a sustainable practice that benefits the environment. Give it a try and observe the positive changes in your garden’s health and vitality.